
Assurance health security food

Unprocessed food safety standard for agricultural producers.


WIERZBIE 31 62-610 SOMPOLNO, woj. Wielkopolskie tel. 63 220-52-27 fax. 63 220-52-24

NIP: 665-297-26-37 REGON: 301745537 KRS: 0000386714

  1. pl
  2. en

wielkopolska grupa producentów owoców

Wielkopolska Grupa Producentów Owoców Fructis Sp. z o. o. is a company consisting of six members who are fruit growers with many years of tradition. The beginnings of fruit production of our members date back to the 1950s. Initially, due to the small size of the farms, the crops were mainly used for their own needs, and only small amounts went to the bazaars and markets of the nearby city.


The members of the Group had bold plans, which they implemented step by step. As far as possible, they bought the land of the surrounding farms and expanded the scale of their activities. They started cooperation with fruit processing plants, which allowed for even more dynamic development. As their farms developed, the current members of the group decided to combine their production forces and create one entity representing all its members and concentrating the production capabilities of their farms in order to obtain the same - highest quality product and higher competitiveness on the local market and not only.


This is the shape of the Wielkopolska Grupa Producentów Owoców Fructis Sp. z o. o. is currently operating. However, we did not rest on our laurels. We constantly monitor the quality of our production, introduce technical improvements and we intend to be present at the largest agricultural fairs presenting our products, as well as looking for new, ecological solutions that we can implement for greater satisfaction of our customers.


The Group's investments are co-financed by the European Union, which allows the product quality to be adjusted to the highest standards existing in the European Union countries.


Wielkopolska Grupa Producentów Owoców Fructis Sp. z o. o. was established on May 11, 2011 by signing a Notarial Deed establishing the Company that meets the conditions for the functioning of Producer Groups specified in the relevant national and Community documents - a copy of the notarial deed was submitted to ARiMR.


On May 20, 2011, the District Court in Poznań, Commercial Division of the National Court Register, entered the Company into the National Court Register under the number 0000386714.


Investments in progress (Rural Development Program for 2014-2020)


1. Production of peeled and sliced apples

The final product can be diced apples (different sizes), halves or segments.